加班 Over the Time

Published on January 27, 2025 by admin

攝影指導: 古偉麟
美術指導: 楊琦
剪接師:鍾家駿 (H.K.S.E.)
唱片公司:Sony Music Entertainment Hong Kong

歌名:無膽匪類 (Hear the Fear)
作曲:黃妍 Cath Wong
填詞:藍奕邦 Pong Nan
編曲:Anson Chan@emp
監製:Edward Chan / Anson Chan@emp

香港人在「最過度勞累城市」中排名全球第一,加班早已是我們的生活日常,究竟是我們沒有選擇,還是不會選擇?女主角Cath (黃妍 飾) 面對龐大的工作壓力,每晚獨自在公司加班時又遇上連番怪事,令早已過勞的Cath快將崩潰。這時她遇上同樣在對面大廈孤獨地加班的大雄 (莊世圖 飾),兩個年青人透過隔空的溝通苦中作樂,陪伴對方渡過多個加班的晚上,然而纏繞著Cath的恐怖怪事,卻似逐步升級地對她發出警告…

Hong Kong people rank first in the world among the “most overworked cities”. Working overtime has long been a part of our daily lives. Do we have no choice, or do we don’t know how to choose?

Cath (by Cath Wong) is under huge work pressure. She encounters a series of strange things while working overtime alone in the company every night, which makes Cath, who is already overworked, about to collapse. At this time, she met Nobita (by Saito Chong) who was also working overtime alone in the building opposite. The two young people had fun through distance communication and spent many overtime nights with each other. However, horrible and strange things keep entangling Cath, and seemed to gradually escalate the warning to her…

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。