奏樂女孩 Staged Girl

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  2. 投票者可以重新投票,以最後一次投票為準;
  3. 投票截止時間為2025年3月7日晚上11時59分;
  4. 主辦機構會以最多獨立票數,選出「最受歡迎微電影」獎項得主。
投票影片(Microfilm Title):

奏樂女孩 Staged Girl

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    Published on March 1, 2021 by admin

    製作公司: One Above Creation Limited
    導演: 羅進深 Law Chun Sum
    歌手:吳秀明Ng Sau Ming Tabitha / TABI
    唱片公司: TNA Music Ltd.

    作曲:TABI 吳秀明
    填詞:TABI 吳秀明
    編曲:TABI 吳秀明
    監製:TABI 吳秀明


    A pianist performs to audiences in a large music box every day and her Father told her to stay in the stage and it is a Utopia which he created for her. A day, she makes a mistake during her performance and the audiences react negatively which makes her finds out a secret of her life. She struggles and has to make a decision rather she continues to stay in the stage or revolt Father and fight for freedom.

    聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。