婚紗照 The Answer

Published on January 28, 2023 by admin

製作公司:Gestalt Production 格式塔工作室
導演:潘皜暉 Jeffrey Poon
編劇: 潘皜暉 Jeffrey Poon
美術指導: 王嘉雯 Wong Ka Man
剪接師: 林嘉興 Lam Ka Hing Kaze
歌手:閃回樂團 The Flashback
唱片公司:City Brew (HK) Limited

歌名:The Answer
作曲:Season@The Flashback (Chan Hiu Lok)
填詞:Season@The Flashback (Chan Hiu Lok)
編曲:The Flashback
監製:The Flashback

正為婚紗照攝影佈置現場的美術助理Season 偶然遇上前女友Fannie ,原來對方正是該次拍攝的女主角。相隔三年再見,二人勾起當日因移民問題導致分手的往事,更發現彼此曾錯過一次復合的機會。在結婚前夕才得知的遺憾,二人會否選擇彌補?

Season, an art assistant, is setting up a scene for a wedding photo-shoot, coincidently runs into his ex-girlfriend Fannie, who turns out to be the bride of the shoot. The two recall the past they have spent together, especially the moment when they broke up due to immigration issues. It finds that they once had a chance to get back together. While Fannie is moving to the next chapter of her life, Season, who still has residual feeling on her, should make a decision to his next step.

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。