深房 I am not alone

Published on January 25, 2024 by admin

製作公司:Ktourfantasy Production House
美術指導: 李穎德
歌手:黃淑蔓 Feanna Wong
唱片公司:Media Asia Music Ltd

歌名:I am All Alone
作曲:SHIMICA, 黃淑蔓
填詞:薑檸樂, SHIMICA

沉溺分手傷痛還遭受四方八面鄰居噪音困擾,阿思終於崩潰,一向對人表現溫和,今天她決要以暴易暴,製造了更大的噪音! 這時她收到Airdrop來的歌曲,竟撫慰了她暴燥和傷痛的心。每當她爆發,對方就傳來照片、影片。鄰居是誰?詭異刺激的交往,令阿思忘了傷痛和噪音。正當她想偷偷了解這位鄰居時,卻發現一牆之隔的原來是…

Drowning in the sorrow of breakup, and simultaneously bombarded by unbearable noise coming from her neighbor’s flat, Si finally lost it and broke down. Today she decided to act out of character and go “an eye for an eye,” and decided to create even more noise in response. Just as she was about to take revenge, she received a song on her Airdrop, which ended up soothing her feelings of angst and hurt, calming her momentarily. Who is this neighbor? This unexpected and exciting encounter somehow makes Si forget her horrible mood and her noisy surroundings. She wanted to secretly find out who this neighbor was..

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。