猛 Ferocious

Published on January 28, 2023 by admin

製作公司:Kingman Media Company Limited
導演:蔡敬文 Kingman Choi
編劇: 蔡敬文 Kingman Choi
美術指導: 林敏 Lam Man
剪接師: 蔡敬文 Kingman Choi
歌手:鍾舒漫 Sherman
唱片公司:SCD Studio Limited


Sherman是本地知名度不太高的KOL。台灣回港後被迫入住隔離酒店。入住後,發現房間 疑似出現靈體。她嚇得半死,但酒店無法給予換房,她唯有被迫與鬼同住。然而,她撞鬼 一事經youtube傳出後,竟成了網絡熱話,令她人氣急升。在商業利益誘惑下,她不得不 在餘下數天,在酒店展開一場猛鬼直播…

Sherman is a local KOL was forced to stay in a quarantine hotel after returning to Hong Kong from Taiwan. After checking in, she found that the room was haunted by a spirit. She was scared to death, but the hotel could not give her a new room, so she was forced to live with the ghost. However, her encounter with the ghost became a hot topic on the internet after it was posted on youtube. Under the temptation of commercial interests, she had to start a live ghost broadcast in the hotel in the remaining days.

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。