製作公司: 地平製作有限公司 Horizon Creative Limited
導演: 江嘉嶢 Rony Kong
歌手:潘朵拉樂隊/ Pandora
唱片公司:好男人娛樂製作有限公司 G-Men Enetertainment Group Company Limited
填詞:A. Mui
最近出現了一個聞風喪膽的殺人犯,令香港的命案不斷上升。大家都不敢晚上出門。主角阿狗卻不怕,更借機會到別人家爆竊。誤打誤撞下不小心闖進了殺人犯的家,並遇上同時不小心闖進了的昭和Gary, 造成一個困獸鬥的局面。
Recently there has been a frightened murderer, he makes the number of murders in Hong Kong has been on the rise. Therefore, everyone dares not go out at night apart from main character Dog. Dog was not afraid, and even took the opportunity to burglary at other people’s homes. He accidentally broke into the murderer’s home and encountered Gary and Chiu who accidentally broke into the murderer’s home at the same time, causing a situation of trapped beasts.