鏈•繫 FOMO

Published on January 28, 2023 by admin

製作公司:封面狗製作有限公司 CoverDog Production Limited
導演:張殿星 Cheung Din Sing, Danson
編劇: 徐頴堃 Chui Wing Kwan, Erica
美術指導: 張一信 Cheung Yat Shun
剪接師: 張殿星 Cheung Din Sing, Danson
歌手:王梓軒 Jonathan Wong Chee Hynn
唱片公司:OMF Music Inc. Limited

歌名:More Than FOMO
作曲:王梓軒 Jonathan Wong
填詞:王梓軒 Jonathan Wong
編曲:王梓軒 Jonathan Wong
監製:王梓軒 Jonathan Wong


Jonathan再被朋友所托,把女兒Janice暫托在他家照顧。同一屋簷下,他由愛理不理漸漸被Janice溶化,憐憫她是個需要養分的可愛頑童,關係燃出溫暖的火花。Janice能不能助Jonathan擺脫年少喪父的影⼦,領悟出 「斷捨離」的⼈⽣課題,變得真正快樂呢?

“My roof, my rules” — have you been there?

From an aspiring entrepreneur to becoming the World’s second Asian Music NFT artist, Jonathan aims to offer an alternative revenue source for other musicians, away from corporate dominance. In reality, however, he dresses in a slovenly manner, a phone glued to his hands at all times and lacks communicating skills, especially towards his mother.

Janice, daughter of Jonathan’s friend, is placed in the care of Jonathan’s home. Living under the same roof, Janice gradually melts Jonathan’s heart, and he opens up to this cute child with unconditional love, building a warm friendship with her. Will Janice help Jonathan to lay the ghost of his father’s death when he was young, and finally declutters his life to pursuit true happiness?

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。