未完成的故事 What’s Remembered, Lives

Published on January 26, 2022 by admin

製作公司: Closer Production
導演:劉姵伽 Lau Pui Kar
編劇: 卓亦謙、周睿琪 Nick Cheuk, Echo Chow
美術指導: 楊海樺 Yeung Hoi Wah
剪接師: 劉姵伽、葉浩恩 Michelle Lau, Josephine Yip
歌手:All For One
唱片公司:自由行娛樂管理有限公司 Freeway Entertainment Management Limited

作曲:李建龍@All For One
編曲:龔俊熏@All For One
監製:龔俊熏@All For One

神祕歌手Hayden憑熱播歌曲爆紅,但卻隨即被人指控性侵犯,更被揭發盗用一位不知名已故創作歌手的作品,引發輿論譁然!當大家紛紛開始發掘那位逝世歌手的其他作品,並慨嘆痛失英才時,赫然發現Hayden其實從來都不存在!一切都是已故歌手的哥哥為彌補對弟弟的遺憾,而策劃出來的。最終,哥哥犧牲所有,終於達成了弟弟遺願 —— 讓全世界都聽到他的音樂。

Mystery singer Hayden, who became famous with his hit song, was then accused of rape, and exposed for stealing the work of an unknown late singer-songwriter, causing a massive uproar! As people began to dig up other works by the late songwriter and bemoan the loss of such a talented man, it turned out that Hayden never existed! All of this was set up by the late singer’s brother to make up for the regrets he felt for his brother. By sacrificing everything, he has finally fulfilled his brother’s last wish – to make his music known to more people.

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