Hello, Goodbye.

Published on January 31, 2021 by admin

導演: 鄧立婷 Tang Lap Ting
歌手: 蘇利斯俱樂部 The Sulis Club
唱片公司: 傲音環球娛樂 (亞洲) 有限公司 Global Pride Entertainment (Asia) Limited

歌名:Hello, Goodbye
作曲:The Sulis Club
填詞:The Sulis Club
編曲:The Sulis Club
監製:The Sulis Club

Nico與Jonathan的第一次相遇,是在六十年代放歌縱酒的街頭。Nico意外地拿錯了Jonathan 放在煙灰缸的香煙,二人從此生世交纏,卻因吵架、冷戰,誤會,最後彼此錯過,再次相遇時已是2020財色酒氣的街角。2020再次交纏但難逃命玩弄,二人再次失諸交臂。如果你是Nico,有機會重來,你又會否願意為愛一頭裁進命運之中?

Nico and Jonathan were first encounter in the countercultural 1960s, the age of pleasure and indulgence. It all happened with Nico accidentally pick-up Jonathan’s cigarette on the ashtray. Their lives have been entangled forever since. However, struggling from quarrels, egocentrism, and misunderstanding, they ended up apart. This time “they” met again in the prosperous 2020s. Unfortunately, they were puppeted by fate again. The same scenery nostalgically reoccurred, and drifted them apart. If you were Nico, would you cave in to this chaotic destiny if you get another chance, in the name of love?

聲明: 個別微電影可能包含暴力、裸露或其他成人情節,敬請觀眾注意。建議任何十八歲以下人士需在成人陪伴下觀看。